Our Mission:

Cultivating a Community of Inclusion, Acceptance, and Accessibility in Yoga

In 2017, our founder, Kristin noticed a big difference between the Yoga she learned to teach and the Yoga she was seeing in local studios and on social media. She practiced Yoga in places that just didn't feel like they were very welcoming to bodies like hers. She is a person who might be considered "fat" ( although she prefers the term "adundant") and doesn't always have the same strength to lift her abundant body upside down nor does she have the space in her body to twist and move like the other people she practiced with. This often made her feel like she didn't belong. Modifications weren't offered to someone with her build because the people who were teaching and the other students definitely didn't look the same. Around this same time, Kristin was beginning to go through financial hardships and realized that everytime she considered opening her wallet to take a class, moths flew out of it. She was broke. The rising costs of group classes showed Kristin that she was abundant in weight and body mass, but definitely not in the cash it would take to practice in these studios. This led Kristin down a path of Yoga she didn't initially think she would go down, but soon she found out that she wasn't alone, and that there were MANY groups of humans who felt similarly. She saw a need and Seeds of Love Yoga was born.

In just a few short years we have redefined the word Accessible and continue to let it grow and shape our mission every day. The world is full of humans who feel unwelcome, unseen, unwanted and unloved. Kristin wants everyone to feel like they belong, because they do. Everyone.

Our Community Reaches Beyond our Four Walls

Our mission to provide physically, financially and geographically accessible Yoga to every human is always growing and changing. We aim to cultivate  a community of acceptance and accessibility whether it be in our brick and mortar space, or out in the community. We want everyone to feel like they belong regardless of how their body moves,  what they look like, how much money they have, what they believe, or who they love.  We feel Yoga, Meditation, and other holistic practices are a tremendous way to reconnect with oneself and others to begin heading down a path of healing. Our container reaches beyond our Four Walls.

We love to bring classes and information sessions to groups, large and small. Our goal is exposure and accessibility so when you cant come to us, we come to you. Our teachers are trained to work with a variety of populations including schools, community groups, drug and alcohol rehabilitation centers, cancer treatment centers, retirement communities and much more. If you are interested in bringing Yoga, Meditation, or other information sessions to your group please send an email to info@seedsofloveyoga.org

We did it…… well almost!

We got the keys and are ready to move!

Click here to see the details!

We will be able to hold TWO classes at once, giving you MULTIPLE  class options at MULTIPLE times. This space will have the potential for more early evening classes, a warm class room and a room temp room. This is a space where we can hold free/low cost events, workshops and trainings like Live Music Classes, Day Long Retreats, Solstice and Equinox days, Kids classes, Teen classes, Tween classes, Thai Chi/Qigong and so much more. We have the opportunity to have a Lounge and Hang out space,  an artists hallway with a rotating gallery of local artists, makers marts, Trainings, Kirtan, Ecstatic Dance, Open Mic Nights, Poetry Slams, local retail pop-up shops, more juice, and in house merch. We will have space to collect clothes for womens shelters, food for local food pantries, back to school supplies for kids, and so much more! We can hold fundraisers not only for SOLY but in partnership with other local fundraising groups.

This new space is very close by. Walking Pitman residents, might find it to be a further walk, or even a small drive but the loss of proximity will be gained in comfort and space.

The space we are hoping for is F I V E  T I M E S the size of the space we are in now. (See the floor plan below).

The new space however comes at a BIG COST. Our expenses will increase by 75%

So therefor our donations, and memberships need to increase by 75%.

On or before September 1st our goal is to:

*Accept $40,000+ in tax deductible donations and grants through fundraisers, and online donations

*Welcome 100 new sustaining members, which not only helps us move in, but will help us easily grow into and solidify our ability to provide the BEST and most amazing experience to everyone, regardless of income, body, or life experience.

 We hope to grow into this new place easily and comfortably for years to come.

Can you Help?